It's official, at 9 1/2 months we finally have a crawler. She's all over the place! Now when people ask how old she is and I say "9 months" and they follow it up by "Oh, is she walking yet?" I don't have to give them the crazy face and say "Uh, dude, she's not even crawling yet. Stop judging my late bloomer with your judging eyes." (Which BTW people- walking at 9 months is early. Olympian ninja babies walk at 9 months. I have no clue why when I say "she's 9 months" people automatically ask if she is walking but that's the question I get the most lately.)
This video was from last week, taken the day after she figured it out so she was still scoot crawling but she has since gotten the hang of it and is quick and sneaky! She's already working on crawling over things- large stuffed animals, people, piles of laundry...
She's easily enticed by all things electronic, she believes that cell phones and laptops and tablets work better with a little Brooklyn slobber on them.
Fun! Grace crawled at nine months, too, and walked a little after she turned one. Brooklyn sounds like she's doing pretty well, I think!