Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 24: Lessons

Day 24-Something you've learned

I've learned that your "gut feelings" are gut feelings for a reason. You know that weird feeling you got before trying to pass off a fake id to get into a bar when you were underage? That mix of queasy-slash-adrenaline? That's your better sense of judgement telling you to turn around and get the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out. Walk away before you get caught, get drunk and make a fool of yourself, or heaven forbid get behind the wheel and possibly end up in jail.  

Or when you were at school watching as some kid in your grade got picked on, and every bone in your body was screaming for you to run over and stand up for the poor girl, but you didn't because you didn't want to get made fun of too?? 

I've learned that God gives us those senses and feelings because it's just too easy to make the wrong decision. Even with the "gut feelings" our desire to fit in or be popular is so strong that we toss all sense of what's right out the window. Sadly, we spend half our time trying to dress a certain way or drink a certain drink, you know, because that's what Ke$ha does and she's famous.

I've learned that when I die- how I dress, where I went for dinner, or which cool bar I got in to isn't what I'm going to have to answer for. None of that matters. I'm going to have to answer for why I didn't stand up for a kid who was being picked on. 

Don't ignore those gut feelings.....   

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