I've heard of people getting some really weird stuff. Luckily we hit the "rogue" item jackpot, as most of the gifts we were gifted were not only really, really nice but had a story to go with them or meaning behind it. For example, Daniel's cousin and his wife spent the summer prior to our wedding in Italy and were thoughtful enough to remember our upcoming nuptials and gave us a beautiful handmade platter, of which I am extremely overprotective of! Or the lovely wedding album engraved with our names and wedding date. One of the things we were given was a beautiful and pricey, but none the less, un-registered for....honey jar. This one by Match to be exact...
I love putting honey in my green tea but I find it way less messy when that honey comes from a plastic bear's head. Don't get me wrong it's really, really nice, it just doesn't happen to be one of the most functional items in my cabinets. I've had it in it's box since it was gifted to us just waiting til I threw a tea party where I could actually put it to work (I am totally serious on wanting to have a tea party...don't judge me!).
This Sunday at the athletic department party it made it's debut sans dipper and lid....
I must say it's the nicest toothpick holder I've ever seen!
what are some of your "rogue" wedding gifts??
At least you got some use out of that gift! One of my 'favorite' non-registered for gifts was a used electric knife. We could tell it had been used because of the packing and it was a really old knife and box. awesome.