We were so excited to get to go on our 11 day trip home (Edmond, OK and Waco, TX) and had an absolutely amazing time! The last time we went home it was when B was 7 weeks old and were only able to spend about 2 and a half days in each city (and those days were PACKED with sip n' see parties for Miss B) so it was a bit of a blur. She was also at the age where she slept the whole plane ride there and back so traveling was a breeze. This go round we got to spend 5 days with each family which was amazing (but somehow still didn't feel like long enough ha ha!) but we were a little more nervous about traveling with a 6 month old who is now twice as heavy, 7 inches bigger and way more active.
The Pale Hare family....can you tell we live in Oregon? :) |
As it turned out we had nothing to be nervous about. She was a little
fussy on one of the plane rides but not the screaming cranky kind of
fussy, it was just a little harder for her to fall asleep but she
figured it out and no one gave us the stink eye. It did take her a day
or so to adjust to the time change though.
she loves her Papo |
Our first stop was OKC where we got to spend time with Daniel's family.
Brooklyn enjoyed being loved on by everyone and I enjoyed a nice break
from being her sole entertainment 24 hours a day. Daniel's sister Hayley
and her husband Nick came up from Dallas to spend the weekend with us
and his other sister Kristin and her husband Randy (who live in town)
were able to bring their boys by every day to play and swim with us.
Daniel's aunts, uncle, and grandparents came by too. If you haven't
figured it out yet, this family is serious about get togethers. :) We
even got to spend some time with his Dad's side of the family who had
all come in from out of state for a reunion.
hanging out with Bebe |
Cousin Jack had Brooklyn and Jacob (who are a week apart in age) quite entertained! |
We were able to have some dear friends bring their families over for a
little swim party and got to meet up with a few other families for
dinner or ice cream. I got my Johnnie's and Charleston's fix . The only 2
things I didn't get to on this leg of the journey was a trip to Hobby
Lobby and my former workplace in OKC.
photos with Aunt Hayley |
Brooklyn with her twin Mumo :) She looks a lot like mumo when she was a baby. |
playing w/Aunt Nancy |
w/Aunt JuJu |
Her sunglasses apparently turn her into a little diva who is too cool to smile. |
We then took the train from OK to TX where we got to spend time with my
family. My little bro and his wife joined us and my parents for an
overnight trip to Brenham to visit my Granny and my Aunt and Uncle and
some of their family. We stopped at Blue Bell (of course!) where B tried
to steal my ice cream, and we ate at a
really good Italian
place. We had a chance to visit some friends and catch up and I of
course made my rounds at my fave places to eat (although there wasn't
time for all of them).
Before the peas.... |
...after the peas. |
loving on her uncle Jon and Aunt Kristen |
she was playing with Nana's hair until her camera radar went off |
it took her a half-second to snatch my Blue Bell |
just look at that determination |
eyeballing the ice cream |
she looooved her jumper |
sitting assistance-free! |
My mom and I hit up Dillard's (since I don't have one where I live) and we spent Saturday morning getting massages and pedicures downtown and had a yummy lunch at Amelia's in Sironia (if anyone knows how they make their vermicelli salad I'll pay you cash money for that recipe!). I also got to see Dr. Ron! Dr. Ron is my chiropractor- he's the best on the planet and I refuse to see anyone else. Other than seeing family that is the 2nd thing I miss most about being in Waco...Dr. Ron. He came in on his day off just to adjust me and boy did I need it - carrying around a kid all the time messes you up!
kickin' it with Paps |
sporting the new bath robe from Nana & Papaw |
We had so much fun we didn't want to leave and almost couldn't because of the weather. Our 3pm flight from Waco to DFW got cancelled and we wouldn't have made our DFW to PDX flight if we tried to drive so we got booked for the 4:25 flight, then that got cancelled as it monsooned and then uncancelled. They said the plane we were taking got sent back to DFW, but then 5 min later we saw it landing, so like 10 of us ended up taking that plane to Dallas at 6pm where our flight to PDX had been delayed until 9:45pm. Anywho, we
finally made it home after 14 hours of travel safe and sound and really sleepy.
the baby robe is awesome!